Network Security/Vulnerability

Call today for top-of-the-line network security services which you can always count on. We offer cost-effective prices and work that always gets completed right.

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Let me understand what you can do for me

Secure your company's network by having our professionals perform top-of-the-line network vulnerability assessments. These assessments are critical to ensure your system is always protected. Many regulatory bodies have understood the value of vulnerability assessments, including the PCI Council which published the PCI-DSS regulation. With scanning services, all scans can be consolidated in one accessible location that includes scan scheduling, report review, and remediation recommendations.


The three types of scanning services include:

  • External (–) scans the outside of your network for vulnerabilities by using hardware from outside of your network. The same web-based portal is included for easy service management and reporting. This service is also included in the internal service.

  • Internal (–) allows you to turn any supporting hardware into an internal scanner that searches for vulnerabilities within your network. The same web-based portal is included for easy service management and reporting with this service as is included in the external service.

  • PCI (–): this customized external scan includes the required Statement of Attestation and Self-Assessment Questionnaire. To add to this, this option also provides additional reporting options including an overview of your PCI compliance status and more insight into any areas that may fall out of compliance.

How do assessment tests work?

Your company should have a vulnerability assessment test performed annually or quarterly to ensure your system continues to run smoothly.

Protect your system by calling today.

Call: 513-899-6399

Get the right IT services

Did you know that networks often change due to patching, new machine installations, and many other reasons? This means that your vulnerability posture can change just as often.


Let our experts consolidate all these scans at one simple and accessible location.

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